Saturday, January 21, 2012

&*#@! Resolutions!!

Pardonnez-moi for the obscenities but ohmondieu this whole blog thing is difficult! I should re-phrase- this whole blog thing is difficult for technologically brain-dead me.

As it is January and I have always been a fan of New Year's resolutions, I decided to start my paying it forward resolution with starting a blog. I have spent countless hours of time blog stalking (I am particularly obsessed with Babbling Abby (and her blogs Babbling Abby and The Inspired Apple) and wanted to try to bring some of that joy to others.  (Ya that's right... That's blogs plural- the woman is 'twelve kinds of amazing' (I just used one of my favourite "Abby-isms") and has more than one blog!! I can't even wrap my head around one at this point...)

A few problems with my plan:

1. I have the patience of 5 year old.

2. I suck at all things computer and have been pulling my hair out for hours trying to make blog headers and backgrounds, etc.

3. I am a *wee* bit of a perfectionist and will not allow myself to stop until it's just right.. I mean I'm talking at least 8 hours of non-stop work here people.

4. This particular resolution is affecting my other resolutions (Namely my 'eating healthy and working out more' resolutions, because I have been sitting my lazy butt on the couch with my computer chugging back Diet Cokes and foregoing the gym in order to get my blog launched.)

5. I am starting to seriously doubt that anyone will want to follow this blog anyway because who wants to read the ramblings of a twenty-something, Coke guzzling, sloth who doesn't even really know how to blog?!

But alas... I have faith that due to all of my blog stalking, and to my almost daily reflections on other fantastic women and their blogs, I will be able to figure this all out. I am hoping that some of you will want to read about my stories of teaching kindergarten to adorable, Anglophone students entirely in French (oui, c'est vrai.. I teach 5 year olds French Immersion and speak only in French to munchkins who have never even heard the language before) and about my life as a newlywed who is hopelessly in love with my terrific husband and living in our brand new home with two tenants, three dogs, and a cat in beautiful Ottawa, Canada.

My life and my ramblings are nothing spectacular but they certainly are interesting and I hope that you agree and follow my blog.


  1. Jessica,

    Wahoo! I am your first follower! And you crack me up! I am not a computer/techie person at ALL! I had about a 4 month battle with Google Docs because everything I tried to share was flagged...and I am thinking how is something with cute clip art inappropriate??!!!???

    Teaching in French...wowzers!

    I am here to help if you need it but I probably won't be able to! =)

    I would love for you to visit me if you get the chance!

    Heather's Heart

    1. Heather you are wonderful!! Thank you so much for being my first follower! Woman you have made my day!!! Seriously, my family thinks I'm crazy 'cuz I'm jumping up and down about having one follower- (they have noticed that other blogs have thousands) but I am over the moon excited and very thankful. I've already checked out your awesome blog (and will keep checking and being inspired) and have become one of your many followers. Merci madame!
